Friday, May 17, 2024

Summer Sabbatical

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the word “sabbatical” comes from the word “Sabbath,” which is a day of rest dedicated to God. Essentially, a sabbatical is several Sabbaths put together. It feels like the right way to describe my past few months. I don't move forward but I don't move backward either. Ever been there, when all activity seems to slow to a state of silence, almost a state of paralysis? It is an unfamiliar state for me, but I am actually enjoying the "letting go" of it all. No projects moving forward. Dabbling with ideas but not pursuing them. Rest. YES, please. That's not to say I haven't accomplished anything. Just not a whole lot that I would normally sense as productive.

Ah, but, while on sabbatical there is still news to report from my neck of the desert.

Update on Tohono Chul Submission

Poor little thing feels terribly rejected... lol
My sci-fi Sonoran Desert piece was not accepted for the new Tohono Chul Exhibit "Exotic Sublime | treading softly".
Honestly, I cannot tell you how relieved I was when I was notified. Smack dab in the middle of a planned vacation to relax was this project awaiting my attention upon my return. It wasn't ready and I wasn't either. That's not to say it would have been accepted even in a completed state. Then I would probably have been very disappointed to have finished it to no avail. But, alas, I was saved from stress I did not need. Will I ever finish it? Now that I am feeling very "sabbatical-ized" I am not quite sure...

Oh, But A Win!

I have managed to sell four out of five bracelets that I submitted to Tohono Chul’s annual 10 x 10 | A Fundraiser exhibition in progress through May 26th!

Utah & Arizona

How did I get into this silent place? Nine days, 1400 miles on the road and exposure to the most exquisite landscapes yet. Monument Valley, Arches National Park, Bryce Canyon to name just a few. I feel as if I was metaphysically hit by a wall of mountain in Bluff, Utah, where our second floor balcony faced a huge monolithic mountain range just feet from us, one that ran the length of the hotel and towered into an incredible sky. That kind of exposure makes it so easy to become silent, to pull back, to reassess motion and all activity. Do you think a vortex got hold of me?

My Current Pursuit

I am walking my way up to 3+ miles about 4 days a week. On vacation, Nathan and I discovered, as we had suspected, that our artistic pursuits have definitely slowed down our physical strength and hiking endurance. We are on a mission to rebuild and regain that. Optimism exists during sabbaticals...

Rest easy,

Follow me @tinassedona on IG & FB (to buy direct, albeit sporadically)

Interested in Fibers Arts? Tucson Handweavers & Spinners Guild holds local workshops

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