Thursday, August 29, 2019

Making Our Move

What you may not know about Nathan and I is that we left Florida in May 2019 to live in St. George, Utah, population 61,096, for four months, and then adventure on to a new location. Our vacation rental is ending soon and we will be moving to La Verkin, about 20 miles away. There will be much less traffic and much fewer people (population 4,398). What does all this have to do with my making artistic-crafted and southwestern-inspired jewelry?

Well, my artistic jewelry studio is preparing to move again. This has caused me to reflect on the studio I had in Florida and how challenging it was then to shed beads I would never use and take only what I had to have "for the road". That decision is serving me well right now as I am truly a mobile jewelry artist. This is going to be easy! I thought you might enjoy seeing my studio of past and present. The next studio is going to have fabulous mountainous views in La Verkin. Stay tuned! #tinassedona #southwesterninspiredjewelry #mobilejewelryartist #artisticcraftedjewelry

My Florida studio preparing to move.

My Florida studio in action before I painted my Sedona colors!

My final goodbye Florida photo... boo hoo... (but yayy!)

St. George studio in the guestroom. Hey, when its temporary...

But who cares when the view from my window is so spectacular?!

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