Friday, January 10, 2020

Christmas Day With Big Horn Sheep

I am finally getting more physically active after recovering from a bicycle fall in late July 2019. I was moving at less than 5 mph in our driveway. At the time it didn't seem like such a big deal. It took several months to recover from the broken big toe and then, surprisingly, a shoulder injury from the same fall emerged and moved into my neck. I ended up in physical therapy and I've been struggling for quite a while to get everything corrected and back in action. A few months back, discouraged and desperate to find some healing, I discovered a fabulous chiropractor, Dr. Joshua Carr, who has been able to get me back on a healing track with an eight week program of intensive physical therapy, chiropractic adjustments, massages, and trigger point injections.

By mid-December, with me feeling more pain free and both of us wanting to see snow, Nathan and I rode around Zion National Park and took pictures of the snow. We went back there on Christmas Day which was especially exciting when we came upon big horn sheep grazing in a blizzard. See all the Christmas Day pics here.

By mid-January, I will have completed this eight week program, and encouraged but cautious, I have wasted no time getting back on the trails with Nathan. We hiked two short trails last weekend and it was a thrill to stand on the precipice near the river and realize how high up we were and enjoy the quiet of the space. See our pics from Sunday here. Take your time getting perspective of looking down from the edge!

Luckily, during all these months, my jewelry hobby has kept me sane. Actually, this "time out" also gave me a chance to discover a lovely gift shop, Chez Debi, a beautiful space that carries unique, eclectic gifts. The energy there is vibrant and calming, the colors are stimulating, the whole place is a gift for the eyes. So much to see! Be sure to visit her website, make purchases online, or better yet, meet Debi in person!

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